Russia Ends Counter Offensive

Russian president orders end to conflict.

Russian president orders end to conflict.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev ordered the end of military action in Georgia and it’s breakaway territories. The president also ordered his defense minister to destroy any remaining pockets of active Georgian resistance.

The president claims the Georgians have been punished enough for their attack on Russian citizens and peace-keepers and that the Georgian military has been disorganized (Associated Press).

Georgians hastily retreat to capital.

Georgians hastily retreat to capital.

The past 12 hours have seen the Georgians either surrendering (RIAN) or retreating to Tsibili (Sky News). Both sides have shown images of POWs on their national television, despite the Geneva Convention.

The end of the conflict no doubt a relief for the Georgian President under the heat of a Russian army making steadfast progress towards his presidential palace. The Georgian town of Gori (outside of the breakaway provinces) is reportedly also occupied by Russian forces (Times Online). It is unknown what Russia intends to do with this city. A dutch cameraman for RTL was killed in a Russian bombing raid last night (Reuters).

French envoy for a peace treaty, Sarkozy arrived in Moscow just before the halt was ordered. Russia is demanding that Georgia stays out of South Ossetia and aggrees to relent from using force in resolving the political situation (ABC).

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